Mobile Outreach and Drop-In Center
85 Delancey Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10002
Phone: 212-533-5656
Fax: 212-533-5760
Phone: 212-529-6320
Fax: 212-529-6916
Project Rescue Mobile Outreach is BRC’s citywide outreach program for homeless individuals living on the streets and in other unstable situations. Project Rescue is the most extensive outreach program in New York City covering all of Manhattan 24 hours a day, 7 days per week in vans, on bicycles and on foot.
Project Rescue Mobile Outreach engages homeless individuals with the goal of assessing each individual’s situation and needs and providing each client with an accessible doorway to services they need. Clients are afforded referral, transportation and placement at the resource deemed most beneficial to the individual, and each is treated with respect, professionalism and informed guidance.
The Outreach Team encounters many individuals that are reluctant to use services or have found the available resources unmanageable and overwhelming. These clients are provided with counseling, information and advocacy in pursuing services, rights and resources.
Every individual engaged by Project Rescue is given the opportunity to access the services most suited to their needs. Outreach Workers utilize every available resource, including BRC programs such as the Chemical Dependency Crisis Center, the Reception Center and the Project Rescue Drop-in Center. They can also refer clients to other shelters, drop-in centers, drug and alcohol treatment, psychiatric and medical facilities, job training centers and entitlement offices.
To track homelessness in New York City and to maintain critical records of its homeless clients, Project Rescue incorporates the latest in technology into its program, including a global positioning system and laptop computers.
At Project Rescue‘s Drop-In Center, clients have the opportunity to sit down with a caseworker and discuss their situation in detail. Depending on the circumstances, clients are offered on-site medical care, HIV testing, including pre- and post-test counseling, detoxification and long term rehabilitation services, psychiatric referrals, shelter referrals, assistance in obtaining entitlements, housing, and vocational training. The Center also provides breakfast and lunch, showers, laundry machines, lounging areas, and group activities. Operating hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
All homeless individuals from the general area are welcome to seek assistance from Project Rescue. Project Rescue Mobile Outreach is available for all homeless individuals encountered in New York City. To receive longer-term services at the Drop-In Center, clients are required to be assigned to a caseworker and must demonstrate motivation to take advantage of other services.
Anyone can call 212-533-5151 to notify outreach to check on a homeless person, or to get a referral for services if he/she is homeless.
Project Rescue is located at 85 Delancey Street, 2nd Floor. F train to Delancey St. J, M to Essex.
Andrew Apicella, Program Director, Mobile Outreachr
Suzette Sclafani, Program Director, Drop-In Center
Miriam Mendoza, Program Supervisor, Drop-In Center