2570 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Phone: 718-485-5570
Fax: 718-485-5573
Fulton House is a 48 – bed Community Residence for individuals diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness. In addition, the majority of residents are also in recovery from substance abuse. The mission of Fulton House is to provide a safe, secure, and supportive environment where residents select and partake of rehabilitation interventions that will assist them in the attainment of their work, social, and community living goals. The following services are available to the residents: case management, substance abuse groups, medication monitoring and recreational activities.
The average length of stay at the Fulton House Community Residence is 18 to 24 months. The length of stay is flexible and depends on the needs of the individual resident. Since most of our residents come to Fulton House with only a few weeks sobriety and mental stability, we expect most of them to stay at least a year. Those who are having difficulty maintaining their sobriety or mental stability, or who need continued work in other areas, will stay longer.
Staff will work with residents immediately upon admission to evaluate his or her needs. Within thirty days of admission a Service Plan will be developed, outlining the various goals and objectives that are to be implemented. The resident will play a major role in choosing which goals to focus on. According to individual need, residents and staff will choose any or all of the rehabilitative services identified in Part 595. These include assertiveness/self – advocacy training, community integration, daily living skills training (i.e. grooming, housekeeping, budgeting, washing of clothes, cooking), health services, medication management and training, parenting training, rehabilitation counseling, skill development (vocational training), socialization, maintenance of sobriety, maintenance of psychiatric stability, and discharge planning.
Service Plans are reviewed at least every ninety days by the treatment team and the resident. The resident will have major input into how the service plan is to be revised to better meet his/her needs. The overall goals for each resident will be to move to more independent housing. The majority of our residents will move to supported apartment programs in which they will have their own apartment, but will also be provided support by counselors who visit them periodically. Some may prefer a supportive SRO facility where they will have their own room, but will have staff available day and night, if needed. Still others with more advanced skills and stability may be able to live in their own apartment in the community. The decision will be made with input from the resident and treatment team.
The following criteria will qualify a person for placement in Fulton House:
- A primary AXIS 1 psychiatric diagnosis
- 21 years of age or older
- Able to function with minimum support services available according to the demands of the living situation
- Able to fulfill the financial requirement of the program
- Must have applied for Section 8 prior to admission
- Meet the criteria of CSS eligibility as determined by BRC
- HRA 1995 Package (including verification of TB test)
- Psychosocial Report within the last three months
- Mental Status Report within three months
- An interview will be set up once the appropriate material has been sent.
Warren Wright, Program Director